Bottle Talk with Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa #50
Bottle Talk with Heretic
Bottle Talk with Old Caz
Bottle Talk with Old Possum
Bottle Talk with The BOB Birthday Crew
Bottle Talk with Aces 'n' Eights
Bottle Talk with Camacho's BBQ
April 5, 2023 | Press Democrat | Charles Swanson
April 9, 2022 | Press Democrat | Dan Taylor

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Radio & Podcasts

BOB on the Juncture Podcast
The Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa has been organizing the Battle of the Brews in Sonoma County for 26 years. Collectively, over a million dollars have been raised to help non-profit organizations over that time. Our host invited two of the organizers named Ben Kerstetter and Cassius Camus to come on the podcast to talk about the origins of the festival, some growing pains and where it's at today. We hope you'll give this episode a listen. #getinspired #stayinspired #beinspirational

BOB on Brew HaHa - Flagship Taproom, Ghost Town Brewing, Civilization Brewing
Herlinda Heras visits Ghost Town Brewing in Oakland, plus we have three other guests on Brew Ha Ha with Harry Duke and Herlinda Heras today. Matt Inslow from Flagship Taproom, Cassius Camus from Battle of the Brews and James Holt, owner of Civilization Brewing are also in the studio.

27th Annual Battle of the Brews: Decades of Tradition Supporting Underprivileged Kids
A whole lot of beer will be poured for a good cause tomorrow (Sat) afternoon at the Santa Rosa fairgrounds. KCBS’ Megan Goldsby has more on the 27th annual Battle of the Brews.
27th Annual Battle of the Brews: Pouring Beer for a Good Cause
A decades old beer competition is being held in Santa Rosa tomorrow. As KCBS’ Megan Goldsby reports… the “Battle of the Brews” raises money for under-privileged kids in Sonoma County.